
What in Hell is Bad? Summer Festival! July 31-September 30
최고관리자 2024-07-24




The Christmas version of the angels, the most requested exclusive L Grade characters to ever appear,

will temporarily return. And along with their return, we are excited to introduce the following changes. 

1d5be737b810b674980b593201df6ce3_1721877834_4744.png The addition of L Grade character Evolution rewards

Starting with the returning L Grade angels, each time you Evolve a duplicate summoned character,

new content will now be unlocked. (It will be added to other L Grade characters over time.)

There are five stages of Evolution reward content:

<Date Story Episodes 1, 2, and 3, Mini Illustrations, and a limited lobby 'Adore' icon>. 

1d5be737b810b674980b593201df6ce3_1721877834_4744.png To give everyone more opportunities, you will be able to summon each of the three angels consecutively

until July 31 (Raphael), August 30 (Michael), and September 30 (Gabriel), and you will be able to summon

the angels in two versions, <Nightmare Pass> and <Solomon's Seals>. 

1d5be737b810b674980b593201df6ce3_1721877834_4744.png At this time, those who have previously summoned the corresponding angel

will receive the advanced version of the <Nightmare Pass> for free. 

Don't miss the thrill of summoning the first Christmas in Hell again in

the hottest summer ever! 


The story of the birth of Mammon, the devil king of greed, will be open for you to enjoy

throughout the month of August.

This month-long event will tell you Mammon's story, featuring the young Mammon, the previous Mammon,

the previous Bimet and young Bimet, and will give away various items along the way. 




A swimsuit version of the L Grade character will be released, allowing you to meet all five kings

at once as you hold the Time-Stopping Clock, a cursed item invented in Hell and dropped into the

human world. 

The illustrated version of the L Grade character, with all the parts that were censored in Shanghai

Animate Cafe opened up, is designed to be a special character featuring Beelzebub but with all the kings

dressed alike. 

Like the Christmas version of the three angels, they can be summoned in duplicate to gain

new stories and content each time they Evolve. 


The main story you have been waiting for will be updated. 

In this main story, you will adventure through the Reversed Babel and get closer to the secret of

the seed of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in earnest, along with a story about how Ppyong

spent his day on Earth when he went to meet Minhyeok on April Fool's Day, as well as H-scenes with

Glasyalabolas and Foras. 


Hell's delightful Hell-oh! Talk will be added, including flirting from the devils that greet you

every time you log in, and meaningless but cute stories.




On 7/31, both Lucifer (Selfie), Lucifer (Victory), and Leviathan(School Uniform) will be added to the

Solomon's Key Standard Summoning pool.  

With Lucifer who has eerie and gentle charm at the same time and Leviathan with his austere charm,

you will be able to enjoy a more plentiful and enjoyable summer summoning. 


<What in Hell is Bad?> will be exhibiting at Tokyo's Comic Market from August 11-12. 

For this blazing festival that is held for two days, Prettybusy has captured the kings of Hell and imprisoned

them on Earth! 

Stop by the <What in Hell is Bad?? booth during the event to watch the captive kings rebel with all their

might, and to see and purchase a variety of first-of-its-kind merchandise firsthand. 

(We also have special giveaways for purchasers!) 

We will always do our best to ensure that every season in Hell is full of

fun for the descendants of Solomon. Thank you. 

