
How to use the Nightmare Pass
최고관리자 2023-12-20


Welcome to Hell on the holiest of Christmases. 

During this Christmas, we will open the ‘Nightmare Pass’ where you can obtain ‘Gabriel (Christmas)’.

0741a1411e52e758655555b28fb310bd_1703032930_9008.png What is a Pass?  

It is a system where you can receive various rewards according to your progress while completing

quests during a set period.

The Nightmare Pass is comprised of a total of 3 stages. 


The basic Pass is available for free with no purchases required, and you can unlock the Advanced and Superior stages 

by purchasing them in order on the Pass screen.

0741a1411e52e758655555b28fb310bd_1703032930_9008.pngWhat are Nightmare Coins? 

If you obtain Nightmare Coins through battles against the angels during the event period or

purchase Nightmare Coins from the Shop, you can unlock the next stages of the Pass without completing the quests.

0741a1411e52e758655555b28fb310bd_1703032930_9008.pngA more detailed explanation! 

You can unlock each stage with Nightmare Coins or through completing quests. 

You can obtain free gifts from the free Pass, Advanced gifts from the Advanced Pass, and Superior gifts from the 

Superior Pass. Even if a stage you unlock with the Nightmare Pass is eligible for Advanced gifts, 

you'll only be able to unlock the stage and not claim Advanced gifts if you don't have the Advanced Pass.

