
Announcement regarding the Nightmare Dungeon error
최고관리자 2023-12-28


Hello, this is Prettybusy.

There was an error in this week's Nightmare Dungeon where the boss Jegudiel's HP bar looks like it does not decrease when hit.

(An error where his HP does decrease when hit, but it is not visually displayed.)


Therefore, the changed stage [Jegudiel > Selaphiel] will be operated while this bug is being fixed, 

and will be immediately changed to Jegudiel as soon as the error is fixed.


Once this update is complete, you will be returned to the login screen, and you will be able to play normally with the 

changed boss.

We apologize for the inconvenience in clearing the stage.

With our apologies, we will issue Holy Coins x100, Nightmare Coins x100 to all users' inbox.


We will fix it quickly to minimize inconvenience.

Thank you always.
