
7/24 Announcement
최고관리자 2024-07-24


Hello, descendants of Solomon who love Hell.

This is Prettybusy.

[Our apologies]

First of all, we would like to apologize to all of you who love What in Hell is Bad? for the leak of unpublished illustrations through data mining.

We apologize for not making this announcement sooner, for the upset we caused to our users who continue to use Hell in the normal way.

We were aware of the trend of unreleased information being posted to the external community via  Tumblr and Facebook pages, and we wanted to make sure that we could accurately determine if the leak of the unreleased illustrations was from an insider or if there was another route, and we carefully checked the information and confirmed that the illustrations were leaked through client data mining, not through insider leaks or hacking.

[Prettybusy's response]

We recognize the importance of this incident, so we will respond with a strong response, investigate whether there is a possibility that something bad could happen in the future, and check every single one of your reports.

Also, we will also be taking steps to prevent further leaks through enhancements to the game client. This is prepared up to phase 3 and will continue to be updated.


For our users who were upset by the leak of the unreleased artwork, we will be mailing Solomon's Seals x1000 to all players on all servers before July 29th.

We realize that this is nowhere near enough to compensate you for your distress, but we hope it conveys our thoughts and sincerity. 

We sincerely thank all of the descendants of Solomon who continue to love Hell, and who have been so kind to us from time to time by reporting to us and berating those who illegally distribute our content and unauthorized reprinters. 

We will try harder to make Hell an even more enjoyable place to be. 

