
Announcement regarding the Nightmare Dungeon error
최고관리자 2023-12-26


We found an error where the newly opened 'Nightmare Dungeon' cannot be cleared normally from midnight on Monday KST.

We have found the source of the problem, and have currently completed the patch update. 

If you reconnect to the game, you'll be able to play normally.

This has been frustrating for many of you who have been trying to clear the Nightmare Dungeon to unlock the Nightmare Pass.

For those of you who have been waiting to clear the Nightmare Pass or use the Holy Coin Exchange House, we sincerely apologize.

As a way of apologizing for the inconvenience, we will mail you a compensation of [Nightmare Coins x1500] 

to unlock 6 stages or more of the Nightmare Pass, as well as [Holy Coins x1500].

-Reward: Nightmare Coins x 1500 + Holy Coins x1500

-Patch Time: Patch Complete

Once again, we sincerely apologize for affecting your game play because of a sudden error.

We will check meticulously to prevent the same issue from happening again.

Thank you always.

