
<What in Hell is Bad?>'s promises for 2024
최고관리자 2024-01-10


Hello, this is Prettybusy.

Since the release of <What in Hell is Bad?>, many people have found Hell to support us and tell us what could be improved.

We are most apologetic that we cannot reply to all the voices.

But even when we weren't able to respond to everything, we still read every email, made sure we didn't miss anything, 

and kept the production crew together for ongoing discussions.

We would like to apply many new things to Hell, but here's our first response to your voices, 

summarizing what we can realistically expect to see in 2024.

[Addition of contents]

Life goes on forever.

To those of you who come to find <What in Hell is Bad?>, we hope to be with you for new stories and new events.

So, here are some new content that we promise to add.

First 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png The addition of a new main story - Chapter 5 - (within January)


Hell's next story will be added.

What will be added in the new main story are main story episodes including battles, Minhyeok's story, and Hell's chatrooms.

We aim to add new chapters once every 3 months.

Second 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png The release of the minigame <Catch Minhyeok's Boxers> (within January)


Minhyeok's boxers have flown away in the wind! It is a game where you catch boxers floating in the sky with Ppyong who is 

armed with shibari.

To satisfy your desire to earn paid currency, we will add a minigame that allows you to randomly farm items 

alongside light gaming.

You can obtain not only Lesser Keys and Greater Keys, but also Solomon's Seals if you're lucky(!)

Third 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png The addition of new daily chats (within February) 


The interest of all devils which you can see once a day. Daily chats will be added.

We are aiming to add daily chats steadily once every 2 months.

Fourth 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png The addition of the Friends system(within March)


You are not alone now...!

Adding friends gives you the ability to earn additional items, see what characters your friends have that you don't, 

and show your profile to other friends. 

Fifth 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png The addition of Realm of the Seraphim(within March) 


The closed <Realm of the Seraphim> of the Dark Sanctuary will be opened.

You can now enter Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael's realms to fight them.Similar to the Nightmare Dungeon, you can only face them if you fulfill the conditions, and while it will be a scarier battle, 

you will be rewarded with better items.

What's unusual about this is that you won't exchange items through an exchange, but rather you get the

items you loot from their realms immediately after the battle.

Sixth 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png The addition of a birthday system(within April)


The devils understood the human world's <celebration of birthdays>.

Now, the devils will congratulate the day you were born, the most unusual being in Hell.

Devils who are on good terms with you will contact you, and also prepare presents with their hearts.

Seventh 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png The addition of decorating the lobby icon(within May) 


The production crew also enjoy decorating everything with the devils we love.

Like on Halloween, the function to decorate the lobby icon with a single devil's theme will be added.

The icon packages for all devils won't be there from the start, but the icons of all devils will definitely be added.

Eighth 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png The addition of line stickers(once registration is complete)


We are preparing line stickers of each devil version.

First off, Ppyong's stickers are ready and we are getting ready to register. It is not up to us to decide whether it will be 

able to register so we can't give you an exact timeline, but barring any major issues, you should be able to see them in 

the first half of the year. We will also be creating a number of opportunities for you to join the devils outside of the game this year.

[Pricing system reform]

Once again, we sincerely thank you for finding Hell despite its many shortcomings.

We will continue to improve the parts that inconvenience you in Hell's environments you experience.

So, here is our promise of 2024 to make your experience more comfortable.

First 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png The function to 'select' when summoning an L grade character (within February)


We confirmed that you have been working hard to get your hands on L grade devils, and we have seen how 

frustrating it can be when you have reached your number of guaranteed acquisition but can't get the devil you want more.

Therefore, the production crew discussed this to be the improvement that should be made first.

Now when L grade characters are newly released, you can select the character you want once you 

reach the number of guaranteed acquisition.

Moreover, we sincerely understand and apologize for the frustration of those who didn't get their limited characters.

In the interest of equity, we can't directly give you the angels you didn't get, but we have added a system to make it 

easier to get Solomon's Seals with the promise of a definitive reprint of the angel characters.

Second 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png Monthly acquisition of Solomon's Seals (within February)


We have confirmed that people who play the game 100% for free don't have the opportunity to get an L grade character, 

and that makes them feel a great sense of loss.

We have made all of our stories available for free for those who want to play for free, but we empathize that the devils, 

especially the touchable ones, tempt you so strongly that it is difficult to resist.

Therefore, players who play for free can also obtain 500 Seals per month through various activities such as 

quests and attendance.

Third 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png Pancake Shop renewal (within March)


We have received a lot of feedback about the efficiency of the Pancake Shop and how getting S grade characters and 

artifacts with pancakes just isn't that much fun.

Also for 100% free-to-players, one of the largest opinions was to to give them the opportunity to 

earn L grade characters when they obtain duplicate L grade and S grade characters, even if it costs much currency.

While it is impossible for us to listen to 100% of the feedback we receive, we have been working hard to make sure we are

listening to you as much as possible, which is why we are announcing a complete renewal of the 

Pancake system and prepare the opportunity to obtain L grade characters.

(1) The Pancake Shop will now be upgraded to the Nightmare Pancake Shop, and free-to-play players 

will now be able to obtain L grade characters through the Nightmare Pancake Shop.

With the addition of the Nightmare Dungeon and the Realm of the Seraphim, you will need to develop a variety of 

characters. Gold and Tomes will be much more important, and you will need to be more efficient with limited action power.

As a result, duplicate acquisition of B/A/A+ grade characters will now grant Gold and Tomes, and 

duplicate acquisition of S grade and L grade characters will grant <Nightmare Pancakes>.

(2) <Nightmare Pancakes> will be used in purchasing goods in the newly opening <Nightmare Pancake Shop>.

In the Nightmare Pancake Shop, you can purchase a monthly rotation of <L grade characters> and 

<L grade character artifacts>, <exclusive stickers to decorate your chat room profile>, <in-game icon design packages>, and 

<Solomon's Tears>.

(Through fun planning, we will continue to add novel and adorable goods.)

(3) The <Pancakes> you already own can be used to purchase items from the existing Pancake Shop, 

or exchanged for <Nightmare Pancakes> - currency that can be used in the Nightmare Pancake Shop. (*Not at a 1 to 1 ratio.)

This is an upgraded version of the Pancake Shop that we have been working hard to continuously bring you as many opportunities as we can.

Not all functions are immortal, and we are planning to listen to many opinions again after implementing the shop.

Through the renewal of the Pancake Shop, we hope you obtain more efficiency and opportunities.

Fourth 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png Adjustment of the price of the Nightmare Pass (within March)


The Nightmare Pass was designed to give players a chance to get a guaranteed L grade character and a lot of 

paid items for a fraction of the cost.

However, there were various opinions ranging from the Pass being cheap to too expensive due to exchange rate 

differences between countries (in some cases due to the dual conditions of exchange rate and app store).

One thing we know for sure is that most players had a blast.

We want you to enjoy your visit to Hell, so we have decided to price the Nightmare Pass a little lower than it is now, 

taking into account currency differences between countries.

We will announce the exact price again.

However, we respectfully ask for your kind understanding that it takes a lot of time and effort to bring 

L grade characters to you, including the artwork, Live2D, stories, comics, and voice acting, so we can't just make them too cheap.

[Improvement of environment] 

First 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png Adjustment of staging time of Ultimates (within February) 


While we wanted to maximize the spectacle of combat through fancy staging, we found that the pacing of 
combat can be a bit sluggish for those who are already used to staging.
The scenes in which the characters' faces appear will be reduced to 1/2.

Second 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png Enjoying event story illustrations (within March)


We accept wholeheartedly the feedback that after watching an event story, it is very sad not to be able to see the

illustrations after the event story period.

You can now rewatch the illustrations you enjoy in the future event stories you meet in the existing album.

Third 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png Addition of a Boss skill window (within March)


We hear your feedback that when a boss angel appears, it is hard to respond because you don't know what skill they use.

Boss angels will now have skill icons next to the angels, and you can tap on it to see the skill they use.

However, there are bosses that intentionally do not expose their skill icons in some places for the sake of difficulty.

Fourth 86ed893b73797f76bcd2634c206b1176_1703033908_2606.png Faster announcements

We recognize that announcements about new character additions and release schedules do not give you 

enough time to prepare, or even make you feel anxious.

To explain the situation so far, the <evaluation> takes a very long time unlike other games, 

and it is very difficult to confirm the release date.

This is because even if we announce our release date well in advance by the standards of other games, 

2-3 weeks can easily pass if we get rejected only a few times.

But this is not a situation that our players should have to deal with, and it is something we must solve.

For a safe announcement, we are planning to update only the main story and minigame in January without releasing new sub stories, 

new S grade characters or L grade characters.

We will be pulling about two months' worth of evaluation for new characters that are tied to evaluation, 

so we'll be able to give you a stable schedule ahead of time once we have the results of the evaluation.

We realize that not releasing new characters can be boring for our users. But if you could understand that this was a 

very difficult decision for us to make, we'll be working harder in the month of January to ensure that 

we're able to give you stable announcements.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for finding Hell once again.

We would like to say that although we do have many shortcomings, but we never made decisions to give you bad experiences.

And that we'll never stop, and that we'll continue to think and listen every day to keep things moving in the right direction.

We wish we could use large staff to make faster improvements and respond to more voices in real time, 

but we are deeply sorry and saddened that we can't.

We will repay your love with a production crew that will answer your questions as quickly as we can.

You are the most valuable and appreciated part of the production crew's experience.

Though it may be slow, Hell will not stop. It will become more experienced and faster.

Thank you always.


